Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It`s official, the progressive blogger community hates Hillary

Three months ago this wasn`t the case. In fact, John Aravosis from AMERICAblog--who`s most recent commentary on Hillary I`ve pasted below, in its entirety (including the priceless title)--has long been a staunch Clinton backer. For sure, it`s not the barely distinguishable and nuanced differences in Obama`s and Hillary`s policy positions that have sent liberal bloggers running from Hillary`s camp, but her blatant disregard for the best interests of the Democratic party, i.e, the US as a whole. Anyway, take a sec and indulge in some of John`s most fiery bitching to date. If nothing else, this is amusing.

Go away you horrible human being
by John Aravosis (DC) · 5/13/2008 09:25:00 PM ET · Link
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Good God. What is wrong with her? The Clintons and their campaign staff don't give a damn that they are now hurting our electoral chances in the fall against McCain and against the Republicans in Congress. Their campaign isn't happening in some vacuum, and they know it. Our candidates can't fundraise because of her. Obama can't focus on McCain because of her. Obama is wasting money on HER, rather than spending it on McCain, because of her. EMILY's List, and AFSCME, and the American Federation of Teachers and others are wasting their members' money on her now-failed race - money that they could be spending, should be spending, on other real races, races that haven't already lost. She can't win, the math says she lost the nomination, but she doesn't give a damn. She's going to stay in the race like some spoiled hateful egotistical brat.

Why is the media even covering her? The only stories that should be written about Hillary Clinton is how much damage she's causing our party. How she's hurting fundraising at the DNC - they even admitted it, they're not raising the money they need to fight John McCain because of this woman. Why don't you write some stories about how she is hurting our candidates who can't fundraise because of her? How she has forced EMILY's List and AFSCME and the AFT to waste their money because of her. How she has caused a civil war in the Netroots. Five months ago we all felt that we had 3 great candidates. Now, far too many of us loathe Hillary Clinton, and she has done her racist best to ensure that her supporters can't stand Barack Obama either.

The Clintons don't give a damn about our party. Their party, their church, is themselves. To hell with everyone else. I actually liked Hillary up until a few months ago. Other bloggers used to tell me that Joe and I were too nice to Hillary. People just assumed that we were endorsing her. Now I actually loathe her. She makes me yell at the TV like she's George Bush, and no one other than George Bush makes me yell at the TV - until now. I actually can't stand her or her husband any more. I defended her. I defended her husband. And now I'm actually wondering if the Republicans weren't right about them. That's how bad she has damaged her reputation. People who actually liked you, who actually helped you, who actually defended you, LOATHE you now. Call me a Clinton-hater all you like, but people like me were the ones who had your back. And we never will again.

Let me close with what Mike Huckabee just said on MSNBC:
"The happiest person in America tonight is John McCain."

Is this kind of ranting particularly constructive? Not really; it is however, indicative of just how pissed off the progressive netroots community is. It`s proof that while at one point, long ago, this primary was about the issues and the subtle variations in the two candidates` takes on them, it has morphed into more of a personally charged cat fight. Basically before Super Tuesday, bloggers were divided: Hillary critics cited her negligent votes that authorized Bush wars in both Iran and Iran, and Obama doubters harped on his healthcare plan that would supposedly leave out millions of Americans. No doubt, there have always been disagreements--however, while at one time they were substantive and meant something to the average US citizen, they`ve now left the realm of practical importance and entered ´tabloid´ level superficiality. We have to leave this debate, one that`s divided our party along those often dormant divisions of race and gender, and engage in another (believe it or not, there is a Republican nominee who has been free to galivant across the country, raising money and perfecting his ´kitchen sink´ strategy he`ll use against Obama in the Fall) that we can hope will maintain some degree of civility, at least on our party`s end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the link and the text are the same thing... she is such a joke. was watching a video of bill today bullshitting about obama... why he would lower his level so much , i have no idea...why is she in the democratic party???