Friday, May 9, 2008

Powerful online civil rights group calls on Hillary to cool it

ColorofChange is launching a major phoning campaign to demand that the Democratic National Committee tells Hillary to quit the `race-baiting.´ Check out for yourself what Hillary had to say about her ´white base´ of support:

The group cited Mrs. Clinton’s remarks published in an interview in USA Today on Thursday, in which she said: “I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” she said in the interview, citing an article by The Associated Press that “found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

I think what she said was especially disturbing because it almost comes off as a warning to white America that in Obama, they don`t have a candidate they can trust. While we talk so much about how historically significant and beneficial this nomination fight has been--one carried out between a woman and a black man for the first time ever--Hillary has consistently proven unafraid to, sometimes overtly, get white voters to question a black person`s ability to really represent them.

Perhaps what`s most frightening about her comments is her implication that hard-working Americans = white Americans. Such direct--and grossly inaccurate--assualts on an entire race threaten to once again spawn a massive exodus of black america from the mainstream political process. And left with no faith in our government`s capacity to improve their lives, blacks--and really, any other demographic (primarily college kids) that has long felt alienated by Washington--are likely to once again retreat to the dark recesses of justified, yet bitter frustration from which Obama has worked, like Bobby Kennedy did 40 years ago, to liberate them.

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