Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tonight's Democratic debate: the final one?

What's at stake in tonight's debate? Depends on which candidate you talk to--obviously, this is theoretical; even if you did happen to have the sweet hook ups to personally pose this question to both remaining Democratic candidates, neither would be daring enough to tell the truth. Many agree that without an outstanding, blow-the-turban-off-of-Obama performance, Hillary has little to no chance of bumping Obama out of the front-runner status that she herself once so humbly enjoyed. And Obama? Besides showing up, looking alert, and sticking relatively closely to his by-now scripted responses to Hillary's relentless attacks, he doesn't have to do much.

Facing a more confident Obama--who's adopted an air of inevitability after taking 11 straight states--Hillary can't expect to have much success with the petty attacks that if anything, have made the public even more pissed off at her. Unfortunately, since Hillary's campaign is run by a guy who has, as one of his PR firm's clients, JOHN MCCAIN, there's no way she'll suddenly wise up and leave her "silly season" tactics at the door when she enters the stage in tonight's debate.

Really, it's sad--Chris and I were talking about this the other night. Even though my friends/family and I are quick to talk about how much we can't stand Hillary, we're misinformed. Without knowing it, what we've actually grown to hate is a freak product of a terribly run campaign that has misstepped from day one, entering the race on an experience-heavy platform. To tell you the truth, if her closest advisers had been astute enough to pitch her as the true 'change' candidate--she's been molded into such a stone cold ice-witch that we forget what she is...a relatively progressive women who has to be commended on having come so close to being our first female prez--she could have wrapped this thing up months ago.

BUT, that's not what happened. She got dirty, the American public turned its back on her, and now an African-American community organizer is on his way to wiping the White House floor with McCain's sagging face. Tough luck Hillary.

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