Monday, December 17, 2007

On the road again (aka off the blog)

As you might have noticed, my post frequency hasn't been exactly stellar the last couple of weeks. In fact, it has slowed to a pathetic trickle. This isn't to say there wasn't plenty to be talked about--Chavez's failed constitutional reform that basically would have crowned him king; the passage of the US-Peru trade deal that's likely to screw over Peru as much as NAFTA has screwed over Mexico; the floods in Tabasco that have been slipping from the world's political radar at an alarming rate, just to name a few obvious ones--my low attendance rate simply meant I was bogged down with exams and final goodbyes to friends leaving for good to the US. No, I can't say I'm proud of my failure to disseminate the news of Mexico and beyond to you, especially considering that for probably all of you, when I don't get it to you, you're not gonna get it (OK, so you're gonna have to indulge me for a second here). Anyway, while I'd like to end here with a simple apology, the sad news gets sadder. Be strong and read on.

I will be extending my temporary absence from the blogosphere for the next 2 months. But so that you don't feel totally abandoned--I dunno, I don't think it's unfair to assume that all of you will probably wake up every morning, run to the nearest map and move the thumb-tack to my present location--I have included an itinerary of my travels below. Enjoy:

In two hours-Dec. 24: Up North in a little abandoned silver mining town called Real de Catorce. With a good 18 hour bus ride--on three separate buses--between us and our goal, the place better be worth it. We might swoop down to Guadalajara if we get bored.

Dec.24-25: Here in Xalapa celebrating Christmas with my host family. Where else?

Dec.26-Jan.4: Down South in Chiapas trekking through the jungle with the hope of stumbling upon a long-lost Mayan civilization. I plan to do this with fellow blog contributor and good pal, Chris.

Jan.6-19: In Argentina with sister Karin and buddy Ray. Goal: not to pick up the insidious accent considered 'impure' by many Mexicans (or maybe just by my host-mom).

Jan.21-Feb.13: On an archaeological dig through the Universidad de Veracruzana. The exact location still hasn't made itself known to me. Somewhere sweet is what I`m hoping.

So there you have it, 2 months of excuses for why this blog will look as deserted as a Britney Spears concert. I promise, however, to return in full stride in February, relaying the news of Mexico to you like I've never been capable of doing before. And, if you're lucky, in the next few days you'll be treated to a professional analysis of the Democratic primaries by Chris himself. In the meantime, be sure to stay updated on Mexico-US policies, especially concerning immigration, as I can promise you now that before long it will soon replace Iraq as the issue of greatest concern for the American electorate. PEACE

1 comment:

Brit said...

ten un buen tiempo! no espero que oir las cuentas de sus viajes.