Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is Hillary taking this to the convention?!?!

For the last couple months, I`ve been trying my best to convince myself that in her own interests and those of the party, she`d never pull such a looney move. Last week, for a couple of days, it seemed like she was just starting to adopt a more conciliatory tone that would let her gradually fade out come June 3 and allow her bitter voting base to begin to shift their support to Obama. Those 48 hours of sanity for the Hillary campaign were abruptly replaced by a new dilusional tactic: blaming her loss on the sexism of US voters. Just as goofy and justified as any of the other line of attacks she`s tried out since January--the big state theory, the ¨whit people are afraid of him¨ thing...etc.--it`s proof she`s not ready to drop. Not a single time has she definitively set the finish line, whether it be determined by who earns the majority of pledged delegates or superdelegates.

I had hoped that all her ¨we´re fighting till the end¨ talk was just fighting words, but I`m not so sure anymore. I think she`s lost it. It`s now clear that she will stay in the race until she is physically forced to quit, aka the convention. Her logic? I mean, you never know, there`s a good three months between now and August 25during which Obama could fall dead, say something stupid, or be caught sexing an intern. Could these things happen? Of course. Is this slim possibility a reason to tank an entire country and generation of enthusiastic Americans eager to participate for the first time in our country`s democratic process. I think not. Here`s a bit from John`s post at AMERICAblog, from him is where I get my fire.

Hillary's latest greatest strategy is to convince her followers that they were robbed of their nomination because "elites" in Washington, including the Democratic elites (read: Superdelegates), hate women (I guess that's news to Nancy Pelosi). Now, what possible reason is there for Hillary to latch on to this new strategy? Because she's planning on leaving the election in the next 3 weeks and ending things on a high note? Because she thinks she can win 90% of the vote and 90% of the remaining Superdelegates by telling Democrats that they're a bunch of bigots? Hillary has stopped the personal attacks against Obama, but that wasn't because she finally realized she can't win, and that in the meantime she was simply hurting the party. Hillary stopped attacking Obama because she realized that she can't win BY ATTACKING OBAMA. She's found a new foil, sexism, and she has a new plan she's going to ride all the way to the convention. And she's told us as much all along, but no one wanted to believe her.

When has Hillary said even once that she'll end this by early June or mid-June, or any date at all? She refuses to set a date by which she will abide by the decision of the voters and the superdelegates, and if anything, her people have made quite clear that June will not end this. That should tell you something. If she were planning on pulling out in 2 or 3 weeks, she'd have said "after the last election, the person with the most superdelegates wins." But she hasn't said that. Why? Because Hillary knows that she can still steal this election on August 22, days before the start of the Democratic Convention. If political lightning finally strikes and we suddenly discover in August that Obama is actually a space alien hell bent on serving Americans as lunch, the superdelegates can legally switch their vote to Hillary and she would be our nominee. She's going to stay in the race, waiting for that day.

That, my friends, is what's going on. That's Hillary's plan. And why shouldn't it be? What possible penalty does Hillary pay for dragging the race until August and putting our party on the verge of, in not in a full-fledged, civil war? What - her histrionics might make Obama lose in November? Yeah, she's really worried about doing something that might allow her to run again in four years. No one in town is standing up to her. No one in the party, no one on the Hill. Hillary is paying, and will pay, no penalty for dragging this out until August, so why should she stop now?

Scary shit. I hope he`s wrong, but I kinda doubt it. I still think the earlier she drops, the better chance she has of saving her own career, which is obviously the only thing she cares about at this point. But, considering she didn`t do it last night--perhaps the last chance she`ll have had to bow out on a high note--what`s keeping her from taking this thing to Denver? Let`s hope it`s her realization of the whole she can`t win thing.

And a final note, where the hell are all those righteous Nancy Pelocies out there who still haven`t endorsed either candidate? Be like Edwards, get off your high horse of impartiality and just declare. A good majority of the 179.5 of you that remain uncommitted--let`s take bets on which superdelegate is only counted as half a person, I say Lieberman--made it clear that you`d follow the will of the American people. Well, after Tuesday night, their will has been decided, and it`s in Obama`s favor. DO THE DAMN THING ALREADY!!!


Anonymous said...

good shout, but 3ala fikra, where are them hickspanic words of the day and them ridiculous links?

hillary is in on a scheme with all lem the old guard cronies waiting for the right moment to assassinate him... it would not surprise me one bit...

Brit said...

you need a new post.

Anonymous said...

It's a fakeout. SHE'S TAKING IT TO THE CONVENTION! And she ate a baby once.