Saturday, May 17, 2008

Let`s make a bet--winner gets comments posted, and read by millions...

I say Hillary drops Tuesday night. My rationale? (not that a friendly wager obligates me to say): She saw WV as her last chance, after Obama`s reemergence post-Indiana and NC, to stage a comeback. Unfortunately for her, the three things she needed most for such a comeback--1) sympathy from the public/media (it`s kinda one and the same these days, right?); 2) superdelegates and 3) money--she never got. Considered good as out by the mainstream media, having lost her seemingly insurpassable lead in superdelegates and haunted by the millions she owes to banks and campaign partners, her dignity is no longer the only thing on the line. After managing what will be remembered by many as one of the more poorly run and also angrily unproductive campaigns in decades, not dropping out in the most dignified way possible threatens her future in politics.

Sure, she could--and probably will, damnit--ride out this wave of fantastical dilusion until South Dakotans and Montanonians (why not?) cast the final primary ballots on June 3. However, expecting to split Kentucky and Oregon this Tuesday night, she can pull the ever-so-classy move of bowing out after a win, while also graciously accepting the defeat marked by yet another loss. More than anything, not waiting `till June 3 would help make her look sane once again. I mean, Huckabee technically could have kept on keeping on, but he knew that in the bitch that is reality, it wasn`t gonna happen. I just hope Hillary agrees come Tuesday night.

What do you folks think? List a date and why. Winner gets their comments posted on the main site. (Don`t be an asshole and say some crap about how a post on someone`s facebook wall gets more hits than any post on my blog--just be nice and play along, please.)


Anonymous said...

she will drop out on thurday's eve a couple days post monday considering obama has practically forgotten about her and has, or should move on to just commenting on mccain and the rest of the republican joke as a whole. she will have done enough damage at that point to please her old guard buddies getting paid in washington by god knows and then she can get paid later through some bull shit connections that wanted her to stay in longer to try to fuck up obama and place mccain as mr. prez. can;t trust anyone

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with June 3. Hillary has never been one to let awful odds stop her, so she's not going to drop out after a night where she and Obama split the states. She knows by now that she has to get out; she just needs to figure out when. If she does it after Obama wins both Montana and South Dakota, she can ride the downward momentum out of the race.

If she drops out sooner - tomorrow or May 31 (after she finds out she's not getting her full vote from Michigan and Flordai), she'll look like a quitter (tomorrow) or a whiner (May 31 - "I'm only out because of the stupid unfair rules"). The former is bad for her; the latter is bad for the party.

If she drops out later, she's putting strain on the Democratic party and taking away from time needed to reconcile her voters with Obama. And she does very much want a Democrat in the White House.

So there you have it. I'm staking my claim on June 3. God I hope I'm right because having my comment posted on this blog will be the answer to all my greatest dreams and ambitions.

Anonymous said...

Bring it on Nico. I say tomorrow as well--but only if he wins Oregon by at least 10-- and that shell make the speech before Obama has made his in Iowa (the campaigns may coordinate it).
Shes too smart a politician (though her campaign hasnt exhibited this recently) to drag this on endlessly and be blamed for a lack of unity in November. She has too long a future in the Senate, and perhaps a cabinet position if Obama is feeling particularly conciliatory.
In her speech shell talk about unity, November, etc. But most importantly, Im wagering (and hoping) that she does. not. cry. all of these articles are coming out about how her failed candidacy will affect future women candidates, and more specifically her similarities with Geraldine Ferraro's VP run in 84 that ended in tears, literally.
Im betting that she is going to rise to the occasion and end the campaign without providing the gender based fodder that the press and country are begging for.

Sebastian--can the winner also get a guest account on the blog?