Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Irrelevant Spanish Word of the Day: pochismo



Soy el rey de pochismo.
I am the king of Spanglish.


Susanne said...

Soy el regina de Danglish!!!

Miguel-Iván Barradas said...

Hi! I was lookin' for bloggers in Xalapa (my hometown and, by now, the place I live in) and I'm glad that one of best is written by a foreigner man. Thanx for posting about this city and nation, with all the highs and lows!

Good luck!

Sebastian T Brown said...

Thanks for your comments Ivan. I'd be real interested to get your feedback on some of the issues raised in the articles themselves because as you say, I am just a foreigner and my experience with Mexican politics is extremely limited. Maybe you can help provide me with a more 'local' perspective. Thanks again.

Sebastian T Brown said...

And mom, close but not quite...I think it would be 'Soy la reina de Danglish!!!' But yes, you are (however, I actually spoke to mormor on the phone this morning and I think she might be rivaling you for the crown).