Friday, May 2, 2008

Declining construction sector has Mexicans second guessing migrating North

23% of undocumented Mexican immigrants living in the US and holding manual-labor jobs are employed in the construction sector. Considering that the sector has recorded a net loss of more than 450,000 jobs in the last two years, it`s no wonder less and less Mexicans still consider migrating to the US a possibility. From ABC news:

I want to talk about a huge number: 457,000. That’s the number of construction jobs that have been lost since the sector peaked in September of 2006...

But getting back to the jobs number. Nearly half a million jobs gone from one sector alone, and yet you don’t hear so much about jobs in all the talk from lawmakers and policy-makers. It’s all about homeowners/borrowers and bailouts. I wonder if we’re not missing something here.

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