Monday, April 21, 2008

Uproar on County Board in VA proves people are getting sick and tired of the GOP`s immigrant bashing

Check out this article from the Washington Post.

Apparently, Prince William County Chairman Corey Stewart`s fellow board members are fed up with the exagerated rhetoric Stewart has stuck by in handling the deportation issue in Virginia. Turns out the other members, representative of the average Virginian--and probably American--aren`t nearly as xenophobic as he`s tricked his crazy self into believing. While his controversial approach has certainly hogged the limelight on this issue, it`s scary to think just how many other counties and little townships nation-wide are under the sway of similary ignorant and straight up racist people. Just more proof that we need real immigration reform that can finally rein in all these looney toon vigilantes that have had their power left unchecked for too long.

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