Tuesday, April 22, 2008

PA doesn't matter, Hillary can't be the nominee (save a Superdelegate coup)

Joe Sudbay makes this clear at AmericaBlog. Really, if you're looking for insight into what's going on today in PA, just read what they got. For five months they have accepted, better than most, that Hillary's run for the nomination is pointless and should end in the joint interest of the Democratic Party and the country as a whole. He, and the other main blogger there, John Aravosis, are proof against the idea that liberal bloggers have been on the Obama band wagon since day one. They grilled Obama up until November, when they, like most of the blogger community, realized Hillary's efforts were futile. As I've said before, Hillary has the right to stay in. But ever since her campaign turned into a straight up smear job on the inevitable Democratic nominee, it went from being hopeless, to being even more hopeless and seriously harmful.

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