Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A change in plans

Not that anyone is actually reading this blog anymore--OK, so the assumption here is that at one time this blog actually enjoyed an identifiable readership--but I come bearing revisions to my plans for finding ways of keeping busy during my seemingly interminable winter vacation (I just got an email from my director Rob saying he hasn't gotten final word yet as to whether classes start the 9th, 13th, or 18th of February!).

Originally, I was to return a couple days ago and then the next day jump into a local archaeological dig sponsored by la Universidad de Veracruzana. However, Rob informed me a couple days before coming back from Argentina that the dig I had been hoping to work on wasn't given proper government authorization and as a result, is as likely as a major US economic recession. O wait. Anyway, you get the point (I'm not actually sure that's the case).

With no dig to work on, my next two, but maybe even three or four, weeks have opened up. SO--I know right about now your body's convulsing in anticipation for what's inevitably gonna come next--I have new plans...I'm heading south.

I'll make my way back through the Mexican state of Chiapas, maybe stop for a day to see some stuff Chris and I didn't have time for (you'd be surprised though by how much you can cover in nine days) and eventually end up in Quetzaltenango, known locally as Xela, Guatemala. There, I'll meet up with bud Ryan Richards who has been working at the Miguel Angel Asturias Academy for a year and a half since graduating from Juniata. From there? I really have no idea. I mean, there is no shortage of beautiful, easily visitable sites: Antigua, the capital Guatemala City, Tecal, Lake Atitlan...etc. And if I really do have until February 18, why not make my way up to the Yucatan? Maybe I'll even take a day to unwind on the white-sand beaches of CancĂșn. That is, if I can make room in my schedule.

Anyway, I'm sorry for the limited scope of these latest posts. I promise, upon my return, I'll do my best to cover Obama's democratic nomination to an extent the skeptics in Washington never thought possible.

PEACE again


JoAnn said...

I'm reading, Sebi! Unwaiveringly. Glad to see you're back at the desk, but now we have to wait again for advice on the American political race: what to do?
My best to you!

Nico said...

You dog.

Jon Z said...

Hey there Sebi!

What the fuck is up?

Good luck in your travels to Xela and Ryan!

I'm in Northern Ireland for the year and it's going well. Work's good, a little boring at times, but mostly good. I'm working for a consulting agency doing research on sectarianism and shit to do with the troubles.

Did you see my boy Kucinich is out? I guess Obama it is then!

How's life man?

Sebastian T Brown said...

thanks for the comments peeps. jon z, i cant think of a better place for u to be doing ur shit. ill visit one day...yo, guess where i just was. at the friggin Academia where u volunteered last summer. i mean, i guess this isnt any kindof shocking revelation seeing how i already wrote that id be doing that, but still. its crazy to think, i remember u telling me about the cute kids and pretty backdrop to the school. both true.

Sebastian T Brown said...

o, and joann, got any contacts of people working on projects in EL Salvador? im here for a couple weeks, mainly to the west of the capital. holler at me.

Jon Z said...

Yo Sebi,

awesome man. I love it there and the american staffer there is amazing too ! Go Obama! I really think that he has a great chance man! Yea man you should def come and visit me man! You are more than welcome. I would love to come and visit you in Palestine sometime. Enjoy your travels!

Anonymous said...

yo seb! cannot wait to hear about your trips upon your return to xalapa... we are all here without class but having a blast! new group is sweet and its def great to already know the way around

oh and jon thats frickin awesome that you are in n. ireland, what made you choose ireland over the dr?

kbye :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Ballerup!!! Dave the Sweede here..U still In El Salvador when you read this? Take Care man...

Chris Wilhelm said...

Hey Seb, you are never going to believe this shit.
