Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The "Why can't he close the deal?" myth

The fact is, Hillary, he did, two months ago--that is, only if you consider winning ten straight contests after Super Tuesday by double-digit margins 'closing the deal.' No doubt, for the days to come, Hillary's going to keep saying 'Look, Obama outspent me 3, maybe 4 to 1 in PA and still wasn't able to win. What's the matter?' The gullible media has already forgotten that this race was never Obama's to win. In fact, until just a week ago, it had always been Hillary's to absolutely dominate; she didn`t do that.

Firstly, Obama spent just over two times more than Hillary on advertising in PA. The funny thing is she's turned this against him, but fundamentally, this is the point isn't it? When you're a more exciting, viable candidate you foment a massive grassroots movement from which you get tons of money. I thought spending that money was a natural step, maybe I'm wrong. Secondly, Hillary would like to have us think that the heavy spending didn't achieve anything. No, it didn't get us a win that we never really thought we'd get--it did, however, help Obama narrow the gap to a single digit lead.

For the sake of being totally fair, polls do show that Obama's momentum cooled after the bitter comments. Without a doubt, they were unnecessary and straight up stupid. If he had just mentioned people being pissed off at their dysfunctional gov't, which most Pennsylvanians have admitted to being, I think everyone would have just turned a blind eye. Instead, he said these people 'cling' to guns and God--true, but borderline offensive. Again to be even more fair (this is the point of subjective blogging right?) this was Obama's first major gaffe, and we have no reason to believe he'll repeat it before Indiana. Short of that, or him getting flown away to a hidden island by powerful dragonflies--the 'getting struck by lightening' thing seemed too easy--he can't lose.

BTW, if you don't comment, I assume you agree (HA! Gotchya!).


Anonymous said...

She won by ten. Last I checked, that's two digits.

Anonymous said...

yea, looks more like 9.2, which rounds to 9, a single digit. good work seb.