Thursday, November 22, 2007

Irrelevant Spanish Word of Thanksgiving Day: papolote

papolote; masc.


En cuanto que el papolote pasara por su jaula, el pavo saltó, alcanzando el cuerda y inmediatemente siendo tomado al cielo. Entonces pensó en sus compatriotas y decidió no fue justo escapar sin ayudarles. Sin pensar, mordió el cuerda y comenzó a caer al piso. Después de llegar a su jaula, lamó a sus prójimos pavos y juntos, con justicia y suerte otorgando sus alas un nuevo poder, volieron a su libertad.

As soon as the kite passed by its cage, the turkey jumped, reaching the string and immediately being taken into the sky. Then, he thought of his compatriots and decided it wasn't fair to escape without them. Without thinking, he bit through the string and began to fall to the ground. After arriving to his cage, he called to his fellow turkeys and together, with justice and luck granting their wings a new power, they flew to their freedom.

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