Wednesday, October 10, 2007

One of the funnier things I've read in a good while

I first caught wind of this hilarious happening last night when I was watching the nightly news with my mom and brother. When the news story came on they both broke out into uncontrollable laughter, to which I responded with an awkward giggle not knowing exactly what was so funny. After hearing the full news report and reading about it today in the New York Times, I get the joke.

Apparently, Mr. Roberto Madrazo's political career has been less than respectable. In the wake of his being elected governor of the state of Tabasco, it was uncovered that he had grossly overspent in campaigning prior to the election. It was probably because of his already marred reputation that he finished a distant third running as the PRI candidate in the 2006 elections.

My mom was explaining to me that one of his main campaign tactics was to go around the country running in the streets...I guess to gather momentum (you can thank me for the wit in the 'comments section' below). Anyway, the guy's known for running. And when he's not doing it for political gain, he's doing it for personal enjoyment in marathons around the world. Most recently, he made the trip to Berlin to compete in the 55 year old age group's race. Here's where the story gets ridiculous.

(Pictured: Felix Limo being the man)

After arriving at the finish line well ahead of the pack and without a drop of sweat to be found on his body, red flags began popping up all over the place. Eventually, with the help of the tracking device encased inside his shoe, it was discovered that he had somehow ran a nine mile stretch in less than 21 minutes. This is just under half the time of the world record holder, Kenya's Felix Limo. Obviously, the guy had cut a few corners (again with the wit) before finishing the race.

I don't know if any significant educational value can be culled from this story besides the fact that politicians who run dirty campaigns also run dirty races (again, I apologize if the wit seems excessive).


choosecoincidence said...

i ran a mile in 7:15 when we were back at blair running and shit...

oh yeah good wit.

choosecoincidence said...

haha a, the picture is ace, and you need more links...

Sebastian T Brown said...

7:15...that's um, good? just playin. got any good ideas for word of the day (you give it to me in english and i can make the magic happen)?