Sunday, October 21, 2007

More to come on my first trip to Veracruz...

I just got back from my first trip to the wonderful port-city of Veracruz. What was originally supposed to be a quick overnighter to attend a concert, turned into an entire weekend of soaking up the warm, humid sun bouncing off the increasingly less polluted Veracruz waters. Does it sound sweet? O it was. The best part about the whole thing is that I'm going back there tomorrow to visit a graduate-school fair with my 'Mexican economy' class. The teacher has made it clear that the fair is only going to occupy a short portion of our day's itinerary. What can I say, Mexicans know how to have a good time.

When I return tomorrow night I'll be sure to post an account of what could probably qualify as my most bizarre Mexican experience to date. Stay tuned!

Anyone else do something this weekend worth taking up valuable space in the 'comments section' to talk about?


Anonymous said...


We picked olives and enjoeyd warm, sunny days on the Mount of Olives...can't wait to see what happened in Veracruz

Sebastian T Brown said...

that sounds pretty awesome. sounds like what karin's probably doing as well. you lucky ducks. save some of the good stuff for when i get back. o and also, i found a place here that serves arab styled mexican food (basically tacos with lamb and felafal). its not quite the same but it will do for now.