Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Students from Las Choapas and Zongolica tech institutes protest in Lerdo Plaza

While not the largest demonstration that I've seen held in the Lerdo Plaza facing the State Government Building, today's student protest, about 75 strong, was certainly the most vocal and...graphic. Here's what I gathered from talking to two of the students sitting on the Cathedral steps, who were in the process of chowing down on some food that had just been handed out in a big cardboard box by one of the group's leaders: the students attend a public, State Government of Veracruz-funded school, located more than seven hours away. Recently, the already-strapped for cash trade school, had a big chunk of its funding embezzled by the school's director. When I asked how long the students planned on holding out, they responded with a unanimous "Until the State Government listens to our demands."

The demands are pretty simple and aren't really so different from those of the six to ten year old students that just two days ago, in the same Plaza, protested the state's inadequate funding of its school. The university students see the State Government and in specific, Governor Herrera, to blame for the school director's mishandling of the school's funds and for his being able to subsequently escape being held accountable for committing a crime. Any existing relations between the school director and the State Government that might have spawned the transaction are unknown. However, what's for sure is that these kids want, rightfully so, the State Government to fulfill its promise to them and allow them to continue in their pursuit of an adequate education.

O, and when I inquired into the message of the crucifixion scene, a student told me: "Yea, I'm not exactly sure about that. I think it's just meant to send a more direct message to the governor." That's direct alright.

While brief and in Spanish, more info on the specific demands of the protest can be found here.


Anonymous said...

No tomaste mucho tiempo poniendo éste en tu sitio, ¿eh?

Emily Shepard said...

Hot damn you got a photo. My camera was dead. I might steal this from you for later use.