Sunday, October 7, 2007

Irrelevant Spanish Word of the Day: talabarte

talabarte masc.
sword belt


Cuando me di cuento que mi talabarte estaba vacío, empecé a cocear mi adversario en sus rodillas.
When I realized that my sword belt was empty, I began kicking my opponent in his knees.


choosecoincidence said...

superb phot to go with the word of the day.
yo make me proud man.


choosecoincidence said...

oh and speaking of words and such... santis taught me some,

yo qiero komer tortilla

i dont know how to spell.. just say..

Sebastian T Brown said...

muy bien. tell santi this: corta tu pelo, encontra un trabajo y di a tu companero de cuarto que haz lo mismo.
anyway, thanks for checking in. also, any updates on plane tickets?

another also, the word and the pic were totally chosen with you in mind. and napolean d. holler.

Anonymous said...

Sword belt??? Does that even exist in English? That's stupid.