Tuesday, September 4, 2007

PT candidate removed from race; calls for 'Secret Vote' (written September 1)

Walking through the city center this morning on my to class I noticed the banners of the leftist Workers Party (PT) were missing from the white tents set up in front of the Cathedral. It turns out all PT candidates running for Municipal positions, including Rafael Hernández Villalpando who’s running for President, have been removed from all races.

Backed by the national director of the PT, Alberto Anaya Gutiérrez, Villalpando is vowing to remain part of the leftist Por El Bien de Todos alliance, involving the PT, Convergencia and PRD. Within hours of the official announcement of Villalpando’s expulsion from the elections, the PT had written a petition and scheduled a protest to be held the following day in the city’s main Lerdo Plaza.

The PT has been accused of having violated Article 84 of the state’s electoral code. Article 84 prohibits candidates from using language, both in their public appearances and in their campaign material, that the state government deems as discriminatory or inflammatory toward “citizens, public institutions or other candidates.” The government cited the banners that had for three consecutive days been displayed on the party’s campaign tent as being in violation of Article 84. Using strong language, the banners condemn the IEV (Veracruz Electoral Institute), the current municipal president and the Governor himself for being corrupt.

While officially banned from the race, Villalpando is calling upon followers to write in the candidate's name on Sunday's ballot.

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