Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Life and Politics in Mexico

I will be here in Xalapa Veracruz, Mexico for the next 11 months. I plan on using the blog as an outlet for my own thoughts on my interaction with the internal politics and culture of Mexico. Also, I hope that my blog can be used as a somewhat reliable news source for the happenings within the state of Veracruz but also in the entire Repbulic. My posts will at times take the form of short news briefs, but will occasionally be written as longer feature-styled pieces. My sources will be people, Xalapa's primary daily newspapers: Diario de Xalapa, AZ and the national La Jornada, and anything else I stumble upon.

I think I represent a majority of Americans in believing that any solution to the Mexican immigration issue must be based in addressing the flaws in the Mexican political and economic system that have come about, in part, as a result of US influence in the country. SO, by spending this year trying to identify some of those flaws, I hope to gain a better sense, which I intend to convey through my posts, of possible solutions to a conflict that is coming to define our generation.

IMPORTANT: I don't claim to know much if anything about Mexican politics, or to have some greater abillity than yourself to interpret what's going on in the realm of Mexican-US relations, however, I do have the unique opportunity of living here and witnessing it all first hand. Still, this is intended to be a learning experience for us all. With no further adieu, let's begin our journey of moving beyond walls, and toward (to avoid using the cliched building bridges line) treating with respect our neighbors to the south (of the US)!

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