Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Briefs of top candidates for Xalapa Municipal President (written September 1)

One campaign ad in particular in today’s edition of the AZ Xalapa daily newspaper caught my eye. This is probably because it was the first one I’ve seen that wasn’t from any one campaign, but instead was from a non-affiliated organization called Universitarios Creativos. The ad includes an animated sketch, an abbreviated bio and the main website of each of the three top candidates. I thought I’d share with you some of the highlights.

Cinthya Lobato Calderón
Pic: With some cleavage action and manicured hair with curls at the bottom this candidate appears, as many accuse her of being, an idealist and therefore an easily controlled puppet of the PAN.
Bio: In 2004 she ran unsuccessfully for state representative on behalf of the Convergence Party and PRD (Party of a Democratic Revolution). In 2006 she ran for a seat as a national representative of Urban Xalapa, on behalf of a similar coalition of traditionally leftist parties (Convergence, PRD and Partido de Trabajo, or Worker’s Party). After losing twice when running as the candidate for the left, she is now running for the far right-of-center PAN.
Website: www.cinthya.org - Simple, yet mainstream.

David Velasco Chedraui:
Pic: This candidate appears with slicked back hair, wearing a perfectly pressed business suit and running his fingers though a big wad of cash. Rich? O yes.
Bio: He has been a life-long businessman, riding the coattails of his multi-millionaire parents. His parents gave him rights to the plastic-bag making business PROINVEL. He then managed to drive deep into debt ‘Velasco Discotects’ and the Museum of Transport in just a few years. His latest pet project has been the Velasco Chedraui Foundation, the sole purpose of which was the promotion of his image to voters. In the first political race of his life, he is running as a candidate of PRI (Party of the Institutionalized Revolution).
Website: www.davidvelascochedraui.org.mx - Long and complicated.

Atanasio Garcia Durán:
Pic: This candidate appears wearing a shirt and jeans, with hair inconspicuously parted on the left side and giving a big, honest man’s thumbs up.
Bio: The only Xalapan of the three, he has spent his entirely life within the city. He attended the public Veracruz University (UV) where he received degrees in both teaching and political economics. He returned to UV years later to teach Mexican literature and philosophy. More recently, in 2004, he was elected representative of Rural Xalapa. He is coordinator of local, fellow PRD candidates and in the local legislative body has proposed over 100 new initiatives. He is the unanimous candidate for the same left coalition PAN candidate Calderón once belonged to.
Website: http://atanasiogarcia.blogspot.com - A blog…NICE.

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